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Universidade de Lisboa leads the Leiden ranking in the Iberian Peninsula region

According to the Leiden Ranking, ULisboa holds the 121st position worldwide, 30th at European level, and the leadership in the Iberian Peninsula. This highly prestigious Ranking is based in the scientific production and its impacts of 1176 universities from 65 countries between 2015 and 2018.


ULisboa also stands-out in several scientific areas in the European context: 10th place in the area of ​​Life and Earth Sciences; 16th place in the area of ​​Mathematics and Computer Science; 17th place in the area of ​​Engineering Sciences and Physics. In 2020, ULisboa maintains its position at the European and world level in the area of ​​social sciences and humanities (56th in Europe and 163rd in the world).

The Leiden Ranking is produced by Clarivate Analytics and uses bibliometric data from the Web of Science.

The achieved results confirm the relevance of ULisboa's research and scientific production, as well as its international impact.


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