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My voice for the voiceless

My voice for the voiceless

A Faculdade de Belas-Artes (FBA) da Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) recebe o evento "My voice for the voiceless" no dia 4 de novembro às 14h00.


Nicolas Fernando De Warren (Penn State College of Liberal Arts, USA – KULeuven, BE)

| The Pity of Painting and the Theatre of Cruelty: Warburg, Artaud, Deleuze

Christhopher Townsend (Media Arts Royal Holloway, UK)

| Resistance and Return: Restoring the Aura of Art

Fernando Matos de Oliveira (UC/TAGV, PT)

| Text, word, subtitle


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Faculdade de Belas-Artes

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